Here are the other ones, here occasionally, just not 24/7. Here they are when they were minors.
Don't know why.
He just does. Won't stop. We've tried.
The Household at the moment.
For example, looking at the table it can be seen that the Prius (55mpg) is about the same as a Tesla3 (260 Wh/m)
Carbon-producing wise, the same per mile.
AND 60MPG is equivalent to 234 Wh/m Carbon-wise.
The Bolt is at 247 Wh/m. Tesla 3 at 250 Wh/m.
Mach e 337 Wh/m. Leaf 227 Wh/m. About 62 mpg equivalent. Bravo Leaf!
The Volt equivalent to 42 mpg, the Prius is 55mpg.
JP=100, US=76 Barely a C+ for USA. Shame! Why?!!!
EV calculations - Re Carbon
Not cost, not LCA, not MPGe,
just carbon produced per mile. Carbon. What really matters.
So's you can actually compare.....
mpg VS Whpm
Here you go: Miles per Gal. VS Watt hours per mile.
Equivalence table
SOURCE: DOE (USA) and M/gal
because the DOE can't or won't make it clear (US Gov't by the way)
Just embarassing.
With this you can do your own calculations.
MPGe - provided by the USA government - is arbitrary, intransparent, and thereby deceitful.
Also difficult to understand. Just ask a sales to explain it.
Not good governance. Listen up, kids.
For electrics it is Watt hours per mile NOT mpge. Pretty simple & obvious, right?
Embarassing really, from a USA govt. agency we pay for. Makes us all look stupid. - "gringos pendejos" - am I really the only one against this?
MPGe should be dumped and somebody needs to be fired for that one.
Can't figure out this new-fangled electricity stuff, I guess.